How to sell NFTs on Theia Harmony-NFT

Hello traveler! Welcome to Theia! Let me show you around!

You can follow the tips below to explore all kinds of Spaceships. I hope we can bring you a wonderful experience in this interstellar world!


In this panel, you can view the Spaceship gallery and check the distribution of each Spaceship NFT.

Click on "Spaceship" to learn the background, capacity enhancement and use cases.

Log In

Connect Wallet before you make a purchase

Log in to your Metamask account

After you connect to Metamask, you will directly sign up with your wallet address, and you can start to make a purchase.

Please make sure you have enough BNB as the GAS fee before buying


Click on "Get Ship"

The page will jump to the "Spaceship Purchase“ interface

Click on “Buy”, you will need to authorize the corresponding token

Then your Metamask will open automatically, click on “Confirm”

Then you need to wait for the blockchain to confirm the transaction

After the transaction is approved, you can go to the "Base" to authorize and open your Time Magic Box and obtain a spaceship NFT

Waiting for blockchain to confirm

Here you can see the NFT (randomly generated) you got


Spaceship Pioneer

The first 5 players to destroy 60 ships in each epoch will be awarded the title of "Spaceship Pioneer" and will split 80% of the TIA in the prize pool and the next epoch will start. The smaller the “serial number” of destroyed spaceships, the more "Pioneer Token" they can earn, and the greater the weight of the reward distribution. Players can destroy spaceships during mining and Spaceship synthesis.

In addition to mining and "Base" spaceship synthesis, you can also destroy a spaceship directly in the "Base" (click on the “Bomb” icon)


Click on "Sell", you are able to sell the NFTs you owned on the market

Fill in the price, then you can sell your NFT in the "Market"

So you can see the spaceships for sale in the "Market"

Give away

You can also give NFT as a gift to your friends instead of trading NFT for profit

Select the NFT you want to send as a gift, click on the "Transfer" button, enter the wallet address, authorize and confirm to send him/her a cool NFT gift!

Last updated